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Mitel -MiVoice Office


MiVoice Office 250 ensures small and medium sized businesses are more flexible and responsive. Through a complete suite of out-of-the-box business productivity applications, your business will benefit from reduced costs and enhanced staff productivity. MiVoice Office 250 delivers as standard applications including: Unified Voice Messaging with Automated Attendant, Meet-Me Conferencing, Automatic Call Distribution, Hot Desking, Twinning, Mobile Hand-Off, Teleworking and Reporting.


In addition, the MiVoice Office 250 supports a range of advanced Unified Communications applications via Mitel MiCollab and Mitel MiCollab Client.

MiVoice Office 250 uses a software and hardware platform that combines the best of data networking and TDM switching architectures. It supports MiVoice Digital and IP telephones, IP networking for up to 99 sites and is designed to be customized with add-on modules & processors, all in a form factor that is optimized for shelf-top, rack-mount and wall-mount scenarios.


Mitel -MiVoice Business


Mitel MiVoice Business is a highly scalable, proven business communication platform that delivers voice, unified messaging, mobility, presence, conferencing, collaboration, applications, and more.


The Mitel MiVoice Business phone system is designed to meet the needs of businesses from 5 to 65,000 users, whether they have a single site or multi-site networks that span the globe.


MiVoice Business has many embedded features that complement unified communications solutions:


Mobility – Dynamic Extension: MiVoice Business has an embedded Dynamic Extension solution that allows users to select up to eight different devices or numbers to act as their answer point. By grouping multiple devices together under the same user number, all of their phone numbers are effectively collapsed into one, so callers can reach users regardless of which number they call.


Mobility – Hot Desking: Hot Desking enables employees to log onto any designated phone, located at any of your offices, or even outside of the business offices. All calls are routed to the device they are logged into so callers can always reach them by dialing their office extension.


Unified Messaging: Employees have anywhere, anytime access to messages with an integrated, fully-featured voice mail system, Unified Messaging, and an automated attendant.

A Flexible, Easy-to-Manage and -Implement Platform


Deployment Flexibility: Distributed, centralized, and public cloud – you can choose your deployment strategy. In addition, virtual deployment allows you to take advantage of the business continuity services available through VMware.


Web-Based Management: An administrator can administer a multi-platform MiVoice Business solution from their web browser as if it was a single platform solution. System changes are automatically synchronized across the solution, and management control and tasks can be delegated across the organization, rather than relying on a centralized point.


Standards-Based Architecture: MiVoice Business operates across any LAN / WAN infrastructure, coupled with embedded native support for standards-based networking such as SIP, Q.SIG, and DPNSS, offering businesses the ability to protect existing investments irrespective of legacy PBX, while delivering all the advantages of a converged infrastructure.


One Call, One Company,

Total Care

Support: (770) 638-4000

Sales:     (770) 638-5000


1305 Lakes Parkway #104

Lawrenceville, GA 30043


PO Box 2785

Suwanee, GA 30024

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